Manipulators – Hit The Gym

Getting attention in a festival of 2,500+ shows is challenging. Amusing promotional videos can help. So we made one.

The idea actually came from a conversation in the first week, where Vyom said more or less exactly what you hear in the first part of the video. I mis-heard "gym" as "gin", and the idea rolled from there.

We quickly wrote a script, shot the gym and bar material (courtesty of the kind people at the Edinburgh Factory Gyms and Aspen Bar respectively) within a couple of days, and did the rest in our kitchen. Thanks to that ultra-portable editing suite that is the 11" Mac Air, we quickly edited the video in cafes in between executing the standard flyering procedure.

It went online last night, and has already started getting a few links on Facebook and Twitter. Whether it will help with ticket sales remains to be seen, but it's been fun enough to produce that I'd have done it anyway.

And now, ironically, I actually have to go and hit the gym.




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