Author: Simon Coronel

A Chunk of Business Cards

One of the best pieces of business advice I was ever given came from Paul Daniels, famous British TV magician of the 80's and 90's....

The Ironic Calm of Air Travel

I find air travel soothing. I'm also aware that this isn't a common view. As an aeroplane passenger you're often suffering from cramped legroom, dry...

31 Hours With United Airlines

When you book a flight, particularly an international one, there is no guarantee that it will go perfectly smoothly. The aviation industry is an incredibly...

Within an 8K Radius

Back in 2012, right in the middle of the chaos of preparing for the magic world championships, I had the privilege of being involved in a...

Will The Internet Destroy Magic?

We were on TV last night. Specifically: Lawrence Leung, Dave Lee, Lee Cohen, Wayne Houchin, various other performers and magic festival attendees, and myself. Lawrence...

War, Sex, and a Gig Tonight

Technology tends to advance more quickly during times of war. There are many examples of this. Radar, nuclear energy, x-rays, and all kinds of medical...

90 Minutes Before Opening Night

Last night, "Simon Coronel: Moments" opened at the Melbourne Magic Festival. 90 minutes before the curtain went up, Dave Lee and I were in the courtyard outside the venue,...

Severe Case of Poster Envy

It's tricky designing a poster for a show when you don't really know what the show is going to involve yet. It's also tricky when...